Jon Merz
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Jon Merz (B. 1981, Neuenburg) lives and work in Basel, Switzerland.
"As an artist I understand, transcribe and communicate my experience of life through shapes and colors. I work my way inside out. Inputs are reduced to a minimum. Means are accessible. Decisions are ad-hoc. Ultimately, I strive for a piece that is a consistent whole, an entity with its own insight to offer. I don’t impose anything; I reveal what is already there. In a process of transformation I model and solidify ideas into form. In this fluid state of possibility I anxiously hold on to what is permanent. I turn to History for adventure, discovery, inspiration, and in this quest I inevitably pick up ideas that transcend time, artistic expression that maintains its rigor through the ages."

Master of Fine Arts, Time-Related Media, Hamburg University of Fine Arts
Bachelor of Fine Arts, University of the Arts, Bern
Master Art in Context, guest semester at the Berlin University of the Arts
Art Academy Düsseldorf, guest student
Industrial Design studies ESDI, Paris
Solo Shows
2024 Le Jardin d’Eau. Château de Gruyères. Gruyères (CH)
2022 Berlin am Meer. Lokal-int. Bienne (CH)
2021 Sohn des Glücks. Espace Sauvage. Düsseldorf (GER)
2018 Smallville. Neuchâtel (CH)
2018 No regrets. Benzene. Hamburg (GER)
2017 Sonntag. espace Labo. Geneva (CH)
2016 The fool on the Hill. Córtex Frontal. Arraiolos (PT)
2014 Blue. Galerie Milieu. Bern (CH)
2012 Gegenschlag im Zentrum. Center. Berlin (GER)
Group Shows (selected)
2024 Votive. Hyphastudios. London (UK)
2024 Swiss Art Awards. Basel (CH)
2024 Summer Show. GALERIE MIGHELA SHAMA. Geneva (CH)
2023 The painting academy. Polomarco. Geneva (CH)
2021 Plus est en vous. Art Môtiers 2021. Môtiers (CH)
2021 Corona call. Kunstraum Kreuzlingen (CH)
2019 Cantonale Bern Jura. Kunsthauslangenthal. Langenthal (CH)
2019 Snack. Galerie Lange + Pult. Auvernier (CH)
2018 Juleutstillingen. Billedgalleri. Haugesund (NORW)
2018 Toxic BoomRoom. Benzene. Hamburg (GER)
2018 Jahresaustellung. Hochschule der Künste. Hamburg (GER)
2017 Festivalfangst. Haugesund (NORW)
2017 Poly Eck Dings. Benzene. Hamburg (GER)
2017 Masteraustellung. Hochschule der Künste. Hamburg (GER)
2017 Jahresaustellung. Hochschule der Künste Hamburg (GER)
2016 Rundgang. Hochschule der Künste. Hamburg (GER)
2015 Old friends new ideas - old ideas new friends. Galerie Milieu. Bern (CH)
2015 Going places. Salon Mondial. Basel (CH)
2015 Swiss art awards. Art Basel. Basel (CH)
2014 Space is the place. IAAB. Berlin (GER)
2014 Cantonale Bern Jura. Kunsthaus Langenthal (CH)
2014 Regionale. Kunstverein Freiburg (CH)
2013 Swiss art awards. Basel (CH)
Awards and grants
2024 Finalist of Swiss Art Awards
2015 Nominee for the Swiss Art Prize
2014 Scholarship holder of the international exchange and studio program Basel region (IAAB), six-month residency in Berlin
2013 Nominee for the Swiss Art Prize
2013 Realisation of a commission for the Berner Kantonalbank
2010 Contribution to the patronage fund for young Swiss artists, Kunsthalle Basel
2010 Representative of the Bern University of the Arts (HKB), Platform 10
2008 Exchange program of the Association of Icelandic Artists (SÍM), two months residency in Reykjavik and Skagaströnd, Iceland. Art in public space and writing of bachelor thesis
2005 Winner of a scholarship, residency in New York City
2017 Jon Merz, picture collection 2014-2015, Materialverlag HFBK Hamburg
2014 Blue, gallery milieu, Bern
2011 24 pages, l'artiste l'assistant
2010 Fluck / Paulus, with texts from Ulrich Loock and Phillipe Pirotte
2010 Platform10, exhibition catalogue, with texts from Tina Balint
2009 69e biennale de la Samba, exhibition catalogue
Public Collections
Collection of the Berner kantonalbank, Bern